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Oxford Fencing Club

Club session, Friday 18th February 2022

Fri, 18 Feb 2022
19:15 - 21:45

Return to fencing!

Club sessions have restarted. This is a Friday session and club equipment will be available for use. 


Things you'll need to bring:

  • Face mask for use whilst in the hall.

  • Hand sanitiser.

  • Your own water bottle - the water fountain is out of use. 

Things to remember:

  • It's hard work fencing with a face mask fitted, so take plenty of breaks and don't go too hard.

  • Close-quarters fencing is forbidden

  • The changing rooms are restrictedso you should come in your breeches if possible, or be able to change into kit in the hall.

Before the Session:

Everyone who will remaining on the school site for the duration of the session MUST have a ticket, even if you are not going to be taking part in the session. Parents/carers who are dropping off fencers and then leaving do not need a ticket. We will have to turn away anyone who has not booked a place.

Tickets are available from 10:00am on the day of the session, and will be on a first-come first-served basis. 


Before booking, please read the club COVID instructions on the main website: https://oxfordfencingclub.co.uk/2020/08/31/club-session-information-2/ and ensure that you're familiar with the current risk assessment https://oxfordfencingclub.co.uk/2020/08/17/covid-risk-assessment/

The information that you provide when you book is critical to ensuring that we all remain safe, so please ensure that it's accurate and honest. 

Club Equipment

We have a limited amount of club equipment, and will be allocating it to members who need to borrow it and the beginners course. If you need to use club equipment, there are some extra things to know.

First, you must indicate that you need club kit when you choose a ticket for the session.

Second, you must know what size equipment you need (either by remembering what you wore before lockdown, or by measuring yourself). You will be able to try on only two items of each piece of club kit and then use one of them for the remainder of the evening. This might mean that you're not happy with your particular choice of kit but it is the only way that we can ensure that everyone gets a fair chance of finding something that fits.

Once you've selected club equipment, a committee member will record the serial numbers of the various pieces that you have and you will then be responsible for them. We will provide a numbered kit bag (or you can use your own bag) to allow you to take the kit home and bring it back (washed) the next time you attend a club session. 

Ticket Type Price
Fencer Person will be taking part in the session. Choose this option if you already have your own fencing kit, or if you've got club equipment in your possession. £0.00 Sale Ended
Volunteer Helper, supervisor, volunteer. You may be asked to assist with running some aspect of the club session. £0.00 Sale Ended
Visitor If you're not a member, and don't want to pay with cash at the club please online before your visit. £10.00 Sale Ended
Rye St Antony Independent School Oxford
Franklin Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7PS, UK

Headington Rye School, Franklin Road, Oxford, England and Wales, OX3 7SA, United Kingdom